月: 2021年5月
2021/05/17 メディア掲載
2021国際医用画像総合展(ITEM2021)「シーメンスヘルスケア様」ブースにおける、当社代表・髙橋の登壇について、日経BP BeyondHealthにて紹介
詳しく見る2021/05/05 technologies
Keratoconus severity detection from elevation, topography and pachymetry raw data using a machine learning approach
詳しく見る2021/05/04 technologies
Detecting Keratoconus severity from corneal date of different populations with machine learning
詳しく見る2021/05/04 technologies
Evaluation of keratoconus detection from elevation, topography and pachymetry raw data using machine learning
詳しく見る2021/05/01 technologies
A hybrid deep learning framework for keratoconus detection based on anterior and posterior corneal maps